Saturday, 19 October 2013

Maybe It's Maybelline...

Hi everyone,

The third post this week; I honestly don't know how I have had the time to do three posts but for some reason I always seem to do more when I am super busy - please say some of you are the same!

Anyway, I went into Boots yesterday on the search for a new eyeliner. I came to the Maybelline section to see there was a 3 for 2 offer on (bonus!) and I must admit I have always tried to steer well clear of Maybelline, I couldn't even tell you why, but I have heard so much about a few of their products I thought I would give a few of them a whirl :)

So, here are the few products I picked up. For the eyeliner, I had heard a lot about the EyeStudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner 24H so I thought this might be a good place to start. At £7.99, I wouldn't say it was incredibly cheap, I mean it's a lot cheaper than the high end products, but it is still enough to pay for an eyeliner.
What I loved about this straight away is that it comes with a brush. I don't own an eyeliner brush (well I probably do but finding it would be a task of its own) and the packaging actually looks quite expensive which was a pleasant surprise. It also comes in a range of colours which is great. I decided to go for the colour 'Black Gold' as I think black can look quite harsh on pale skin and I didn't want to go for brown so I guess this is like a mixture of the two. In the pot it actually looks black but it does look a lot more browner in the flesh. I will let you know how I get on with it and also let me know if you have tried it already!

The next thing I needed to purchase to get the 3 for 2 offer was the famous Colour Tattoo 24HR eye shadows/bases which I think everyone has heard about, but at £4.99 a go I was a bit reluctant, but knowing I would be getting one for free was that last little push I needed!
As I had just brought a bronze eyeshadow from Topshop (see that blog post here) I didn't go for the famous 'And On Bronze', but instead I went for one that I had wanted for ages called 'Pink Gold (65)' which as the name states is a lovely Pink Gold colour. I would say this does have a slight shimmer to it but I wouldn't say it was over the top, but I'm looking forward to use this as I think it is a perfect colour for everyday as it can either be subtle or be built up.

I really didn't want to go for one of their really bright colours like the blue or purple as, well, to be honest they are not my cup of tea and I'm not that brave, so I decided to play it safe and chose 'Permanent Taupe (40)' which is a lovely neutral basically taupe colour (sorry I'm not amazing at describing colour!). I think these will be great for really lazy uni days where I want to make everyone believe I have made an effort, but really haven't. If any of you guys have tried these let me know and how would you say is the best way to apply them?
I hope you have enjoyed this post and I hope you like the pictures for my blog as I am trying as hard as I can to make them look as good as possible and I hope you can see that they are better quality - fingers crossed! I'm also getting to the stage where I can't use any of my new products until I have taken pictures for my blog - I hope I'm not the only one that does this!
See you next week (hopefully) and don't forget to leave a comment as I love receiving them! 


  1. The colour tattoos are simply wonderful! They're easy to apply and work with, they last a long time and the shades are stunning - and they are affordable, it's all good! Xx

  2. Great post, I love their gel eyeliner :) I really want to try the colour tattoos so I might take advantage of this offer :) xx

  3. I have Pink Gold and love it so much, I recently bought On And On Bronze and that's equally as nice! x

  4. I definitely sang the tite of this post hhaha.Eeeek i love 3 for 2s! I've wanted to try this eyeliner for a while & I still can't believe I've not got around to trying to colour tattoos! Xxx
